
Setup development environment

If you decide to contribute to the code base, you’ll first have to fork the project on GitHub, and then clone the project in the local environment. You’ll need a GitHub account in order to make a fork.

Make a clone of the repository, and install dependencies (just replace <your_github_username> with your actual GitHub username). This project is currently using pipenv to manage its dependencies. This could be changed in the future.

git clone<your_github_username>/narrenschiff.git
pipenv install --dev

This project is using unittest framework form the Python standard library. After you clone the repo, you can run tests to make sure everything is working. A helper script for testing is located in the bin/ of the project. Use it to execute tests:


If you want to contribute to documentation, you can build it locally:

cd docs/
make html

Now that you have the development environment all setup, it’s best to make a new branch for your feature (or bug fix!), and make changes there:

git checkout -b my-new-feature

When you finish coding, use bin/test script to test the changes. If all is good, push the branch to your fork, and make a pull request. Don’t forget to add unit tests for the new feature.

Keeping your fork synced with upstream

If you followed the previously described setup, then you can easily keep your fork up-to-date with the original repository. First, you need to add the upstream repository to your project:

git remote add upstream

Then, you can fetch changes made to the master, and push them to your fork:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push origin master

Coding Style

This project is mainly styled according to PEP8. Please use flake8 to check the style of your code before making a pull request. This project comes with .flake8 configuration file.